Support our work on local trails and parks!


Valdez Adventure Alliance (VAA) seeks to improve quality of life through equitable access to outdoor recreation resources, education, and events.


We promote community development through outdoor experiences and events that improve physical and mental health.

We develop, improve, maintain, and manage outdoor recreation infrastructure.

We implement education and activities in environmental stewardship, skills, and safety.

Value Statement

We advocate for increasing access and participation in outdoor recreation for everyone, including under-represented populations.

Valdez Adventure Alliance respectfully acknowledges that we live, work, and play on the ancestral lands of this regions native peoples.

These lands were stewarded for thousands of years by the Chugach Alutiiq/Sugpiat and Ahtna people. The traditional name of this area in Sugt’stun, the language of the Sugpiat, is Suacit which means “people of the place that rises into view.”

Suacit and the surrounding Prince William Sound provided a bountiful harvest for the native peoples. Suacit played an integral role as an overland trade route that linked Interior Alaska to Prince William Sound.

Valdez Adventure Alliance acknowledges the painful history of colonization and the resilience of the indigenous residents who still live here today. We are grateful to the ancient and current Indigenous stewards of this land. 




Thank you.

Build trails, improve your town!

Shoup Bay Trail in Valdez is a constant labor of love! To volunteer, email Lanette Oliver at

Jaw-dropping views at Blueberry Lake Campgrounds on top of Thompson Pass!

Jaw-dropping views at Blueberry Lake Campgrounds on top of Thompson Pass!

Check out our Blog for VAA updates and outdoor educational materials that we’re loving right now!