Best Ways to Preserve Nature While Hiking
There are a lot of very big benefits that you can get from hiking on a regular basis. Studies have shown that people who hike get a great physical workout that can lower their chances of developing heart disease, increase their cardiovascular fitness, and lower their stress levels. There are also mental health benefits for people who hike like less anxiety and an easier time managing symptoms of depression. Spending time in the outdoors can be very healing for people. But it can be very damaging for the natural world when people hike without taking steps like these to protect the natural world that they are enjoying:
Clean Your Boots
Do you clean your boots between hikes? Most hikers don’t. But you should be cleaning your boots after every hike. As you walk along the trail the soles of your boots are picking up dirt, bacteria, and debris. When you don’t clean your boots between hikes you are spreading all that dirt and bacteria to a new area where it can cause a lot of damage because it doesn’t belong there. Take five minutes to clean off your boots after your hike and you can avoid doing a lot of damage to the natural world.
No Shortcuts
Hiking trails are created in parks and other public spaces so that people can walk through and enjoy the natural beauty without causing a lot of damage. You need to stay on those trails so that you’re not ripping up plants, trampling over flowers, destroying young grass, and causing other damage to the natural world. Keep a trail map with you so that if you do go off the trail and get lost you can find the trail again without having to create your own shortcuts through the natural world.
Clean Up Your Trash
It’s surprising how many hikers who should know better leave trash behind when they hike. Always clean up your trash. All of it, including the food scraps that are leftover from your snacks and trail food. Don’t throw your scraps on the ground. Food takes a lot longer than you might think to decompose and while it’s decomposing it’s toxic to the soil and to any animals that might try to eat it. Everything that you bring to the trail should leave with you.
Keep Your Dog On A Leash
It’s fun to hike with your dog, but please remember how much damage dogs can do to the environment and keep your dog on a leash. Dogs that aren’t leashed can cause huge amounts of damage by scaring animals, ripping up plants, breaking branches, and scaring other hikers. Clean up after your dog and keep your dog on a leash to make sure that your dog doesn’t damage the environment unintentionally.
No Plastic Please
Single use plastic is one of the worst things for the environment, but some hikers still use single use plastic bottles for their water. Ditch that plastic and get a sturdy refillable water bottle that you can keep with you when you’re hiking. It will hold more water so that you can stay hydrated on the trail.
This article was provided by www.personalinjury-law.com, an organization dedicated to providing the public with information about personal injury and safety information. Nothing in this article should be construed as legal advice, and it is intended for informational use only.
Bike Bash is coming, Tip your ice fest instructor, and New LoTech episode!
So stoked for Fat Bike Bash 2022!!!
PS Apparel will be available on site thanks to Middle Rock Designs! #rad!
Tip your Ice Fest instructor
And win this amazing signed poster!
So many great memories and great people at the 2022 Valdez Ice Climbing Festival! We at the Valdez Adventure Alliance are ever so grateful for every individual who contributed to this event: the climbers, the instructors, the safety team, the connectors and mavens, the shop owners and employees, the climbing community who understands the WHY of what we do at the ice fest and we strive every year to make improvements.
Our CFO is kicking this off with a $100 tip - Please consider sending a tip to your instructor (or a safety team member) and we will draw to see who will win this 2022 signed poster by Sara Wolman!
Plant based athlete in Alaska?
Yes indeed! Check out Fire Chief, Writer, DIY Dad, Fat Biker, Deep Thinker, and all around chill dude Sean Wisner on LoTech & Wild!
Saturday Schedule Update!
SATURDAY Feb 19, 2022
4:45 pm Bus departs Bridal Veil Falls pullout for Airport.
5:00 pm Puddle Jumpers open for hot meals and beers. Place your Sunday box lunch order!
VAA shop is open / Auction/raffle open / Gear vendors for return/check out equipment
6:00-7:00 pm
- Photography clinic slide show
- LOWA & Sterling Presents Marcus Garcia: Finding Meaning. The grieving process is an emotional whirlwind. Marcus shares why being a mentor is so powerful and rewarding and adds meaning to the process. (Photo credit: Eva Capozzola)
- Short Film - Nathan Norby’s Kevin and the Cave featuring Kevin Lindlau and Katie McKinstry
7:00 - 8:00 pm
- LOWA & CAMP USA Presents Ines Papert: Face to Face. Anyone who ventures into the remotest regions of Alaska has to be prepared for anything. Nature is wild, undeveloped, unyielding. But it rewards everyone who says goodbye to plans and embarks on unknown adventures. Like Ines and Luka. Face to face, with the wall.
7:00 pm Auction/raffle closes! Get you last bid in!
7:00-7:30 pm Pay and pick up your auction items, 8 pm Puddle Jumpers, VAA shop, and airport close
Ines Papert, Alpinist
Ines Papert is coming to Valdez and we’re so excited to announce she will be presenting Saturday evening presented by @lowaboots & @camp_usa !!!
@inespapert @valdezadventurealliance #valdezalaska #valdezicefest #valdeziceclimbingfestival #vicf22
#valdezalaska #iceclimbingimages #iceclimbing #mountaineering #alpinism
LoTech & Wild Ep. 17 : Carlos Buhler
Carlos Buhler is one of America's most accomplished high altitude mountaineers, including a background of 46 international climbing expeditions. His stories weave a fabric of success and failure on some of the most interesting and challenging routes up the remarkable mountains of the world. The path he has followed illustrates the fine line between momentous success and excruciating catastrophe; between world class accomplishment and heart wrenching tragedy. His experience leading international climbing teams has given him unique perspectives into the delicate challenges of multicultural communication, leadership development and team dynamics. Since 1984 he has presented to, and consulted for, a wide variety of organizations and businesses in which leadership roles are carefully tuned to create an environment that allows their units to excel.
Carlos’ climbing speciality has been characterized by high altitude, no supplemental oxygen, minimal equipment, small teams and relatively small amounts of funding, whilst accomplishing first ascents on the highest mountains by difficult routes in challenging conditions. In 1980, Carlos was invited to join the Spanish Aragon Himalayan Expedition where he and his Spanish partners made the first ascent of Baruntse's striking East Ridge and the first American ascent of the mountain (7,129 m / 23,390 ft.). In 1983 an American team became the first to climb what is considered to be the most difficult and dangerous route up Mount Everest, the Central Rib of the Kangshung Face. Carlos and his team reached the summit on October 8 and 9 – their route has never been repeated. During the 1985 Himalayan December season, he and his American partner pioneered, in pure alpine style, the first ascent of the awe-inspiring Northeast Face of Ama Dablam (6812 m / 22,349 ft.). In 1988, Carlos led the first successful American expedition of Kangchenjunga (8586 m/28,169 ft.), the world’s third highest mountain. Three of the five member international team summited Kangchenjunga and Carlos became the first American to reach the top of this foreboding mountain. In April 1992, Carlos's British climbing partner became sick in Base Camp just before their attempt of Nepal's iconic Dorje Lhakpa (6966 m / 22,854 ft.). Carlos overcame this setback by climbing the West Ridge alone, making the first ever solo ascent of the mountain. On his third attempt, in 1996, with a Russian team, Carlos ascended the infamous K2 (at 8611 m / 28,250 ft, earth’s second highest mountain) by the extremely daunting Chinese North Ridge. In 1998, Carlos led some of his Russian teammates to tackle the sheer, 5,200 foot, North Face of Changabang (6864 m / 22,514 ft.) in the Indian Himalaya. After living 14 days on the vertical wall, the five-man team reached the summit together. This ascent established one of the most difficult ‘big wall’ routes achieved in the Himalayan Mountains.
He has also made numerous first ascents in the Andes and Alaska.
In 2002 Carlos was ranked ‘Best of the Best’ by Everestnews.com as one of the 4 best high altitude climbers in the world. In 2004 he was awarded a Lyman Spitzer Cutting Edge Grant awarded for cutting edge ‘bold first ascents or difficult repeats of most challenging routes’. In 2007 he was awarded the Robert and Miriam Underhill Award for outstanding mountaineering achievement by the American Alpine Club.
Carlos has developed a great respect for the mountain areas in which he climbs, and in 2001 was awarded the Polartec Challenge Award, for ‘vision, commitment, credibility and respect for the local culture and environment which serve as role models to outdoor enthusiasts worldwide’. He takes a personal interest in populations living with difficulty in areas in which he has climbed, particularly in Nepal. He sits on the Advisory Board of the ‘Gorkha Foundation’ (www.gorkhafoundation.org ). This non-profit is a grassroots organization whose purpose is to support initiatives that reduce poverty and inequality by making sustainable improvements to the living conditions of the poor and marginalized in the Gorkha region of Nepal. They do this by empowering communities to focus on Healthcare, Primary and Secondary education and income generating activities.
With his deep involvement leading and participating with international climbing teams, Carlos has gained an uncommon understanding of the delicate challenges of multicultural cooperation, leadership pitfalls and subsequent team dysfunction. Whilst still climbing as a hobby, Carlos is a highly experienced management consultant, meeting facilitator and executive coach. Today, he applies his leadership experience in mountaineering to help corporations and organizations worldwide open up pathways to high performance, and promoting organizational transformation.
Learn more about Carlos on our athlete page at https://valdezadventurealliance.com/ice-fest-athletes
Happy New Year! Jan 3 e-Newsletter + Meet Carlos Buhler!
We’ve got som new clinics for you if you’re thinking about the Valdez Ice Climbing Festival!
Valdez Fat Bike Bash 2022
Hey Fat Bikers flyin I’m from the lower 48 for The 2022 Valdez Fat Bike Bash - you can now fly your fat bike up thanks to our partnership with @bikeflights ! 🌟 https://www.bikeflights.com/events/Valdez-Fat-Bike-Bash
Women Who Crush
Huge welcome to two of our newest VICF22 volunteers who will be available the full weekend getting experience working and running an ice climbing event and building their own skills while helping others with theirs!
Rachel Taylor received her SPI through the AMGA in 2016 and is a current WFR as well. She worked as climbing center manager at The Ohio State University where I mastered the hard skills revolving around climbing and instructing climbing until 2014. Since then she has spent six seasons guiding ice hiking and climbing in Alaska (out of Seward) as well as in New Zealand (Franz Josef Glacier). She has split her time the last few years between Montana and Alaska and has formerly volunteered with the Seward Fire Department and took part in their high angle rescue trainings. She is also a Connect Scholarship Fund awardee.
Rachel Sullivan is an aspiring glaciologist and lover of all things polar and ice-related. Her work consists of glacier guiding in Seward, Alaska during the summer months and ski patrolling for Alyeska Resort in Girdwood, Alaska during the winter months. In between seasons, she tries to climb, hike, ski, and travel as much as possible. She will start a graduate degree program in the fall of 2023 at the University of Colorado Boulder after squeezing in one more full-time ski season in Alaska and a climbing season in Patagonia.
#VICF22 #Volunteer #gratitude #amazingpeopleallaroundus #valdez #alaska @sterling @lowa @camp_usa @rab @thefatmermaidalaska @prospectoroutfitters #alyeskapipeline #CVEACF @coppervalleyelectric #womenwhocrush #womenwhoclimb #iceclimbing #connectscholarshipfund #climbing
Thanksgiving and Giving Thanks!
10 Days Only!
Pick up one of these sweet Bridal Veil Falls t’s by Valdez’s very own Tailbone Designs and show your support for the Valdez Ice Climbing Festival! On sale for 10 days only - estimated delivery before Dec 21st! Just in time for some holiday cheer yo!
Recently, we created a nice little guide of the plants along Shoup Bay Trail with the names in english,Yup’ik, & Alutiiq (as well as their scientific names) and some native uses of each plant. Now it has been printed, and is available right as you enter the trail! So, next time you visit Shoup Bay Trail, make sure to grab a guide and learn something new about the beautiful, Alaskan foliage. Read More
VICF22 Presale Tickets!
BONUS TIME! We're sweetening the pot for AK residents and all Presale Ticket holders! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/presale-pt2-valdez-ice-climbing-festival-2022/x/26627130#/updates/1

VAA is thrilled to announce that the request to continue work on Shoup Bay Trail has finally been approved! In the summer of 2020 VAA rehabilitated the first section of Shoup Bay Trail. Some of you have been wondering why this did not continue in 2021. In October of 2020 we submitted for an RTP grant and permission to continue the work. However, since the second section of work included replacing the footings for the bridge over an active stream, a full environmental review process was required at both the state and federal levels. Unfortunately, the job position responsible for those reviews was vacant at both the state and federal levels. So, other state and federal employees had to review the submitted projects in addition to conducting their regular jobs. The project work has just now been approved! Too late for summer 2021, but will begin as soon as possible in summer 2022. I am happy to answer any questions. You can email lanette@valdezadventure.com or call 972-835-6039
#trails #trailsarecommonground #hiking #trailrunning #biking #fatbike #nordicskiing #crosscountryskiing
Take a kid mountain biking day
Register and win! Please take photos and tag us @valdezadventureallianceinfo - we want to applaud you for getting out on the trails 💕 Follow & Use hashtags #tkmtb and #trailsarecommonground
By entering, entrants give permission to add his/her registering email address to the Promoter and the Sponsors’ databases and will receive email communication from those organizations. Entrants may opt out of these email communications at any time.
The promotion runs from 12:00 am (MDT) on October 1, 2021 to 11:59 pm (MDT) on October 31, 2021 (the “Entry Period”). Each individual person is allowed one entry.
1. Eligible entrants may visit https://volunteer.imba.com/dos/Lzn0pVN4FL?%24web_only=true&_branch_match_id=7 17454019206421473 (the “Site”) during the TKMBD event registration Period. To participate, eligible entrants must provide their first name, last name, email address,
country of residence, and chapter affiliation. Once information is recorded, each eligible entrant will receive one automatic entry to the TKMBD giveaway; into a random drawing of the prize package giveaway. Confirmation of entry is receipt of information response from Golden Volunteer.
Entry is open to US residents only located in the United States, who are above the age of 21 years as of October 1, 2021 and sign-up to attend a TKMBD event or sign up to receive IMBA e-news during the campaign period by submitting their email address to IMBA. No purchase required to enter to win. A donation to IMBA does not increase odds of winning.
September Newsletter
Love Our byways
We’re delighted to announce that we have been selected for funding by the Love Our Byways grant (sponsored by Toyota and the National Scenic Byway Foundation). Our goal is to match the $2,000 we’ve been given with an additional $2,000 before the event at Richardson Highway mile 29, on Sept. 25. We will also be looking for volunteers for Love Our Byway day, so if you’re interested, just click the link below! We’d love to have you!
Here is what it looks like now. You can see it needs TLC. Alders and shrubs are taking over the road.
Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day
There’s nothing we love more than seeing the kids go outside and ride mountain bikes! On Saturday, October 2nd, IMBA (International Mountain Biking Association) is celebrating Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day, and we will have a registered event with them! As it approaches, we’ll give you more news on the subject but we hope to see your kids out there having fun!
#takeakidmountainbiking #trailsarecommonground
If you’d like to join our chapter at IMBA, click here:
Limited Offer!
Please consider helping us out today! Donations more than $35 receive special perks and membership! For a limited time only, we're also offering a discount to our fall and 2022 events as well as first pick of clinics and for donations of $100 or more, free registration to one clinic/ race, $150 2 clinics/ races, $200 will get you a paw print or boot print at Shoup Trail and a dedication on the website, $250+ all previous mentioned items, and $300 + all previous mentioned items AND a chance to win in a drawing for a special Alaska Theme gift basket filled with artisan items from our gift shops! https://gofund.me/b7542875
We strongly believe in #naturetherapy . Our goal is to bring this to those who will appreciate it, one might say people who need it. Our focus is teaching through play. We are strong encouragers. The events and resources that we provide help people find the satisfaction of self accomplishment through effort - of climbing, of riding bikes, of hiking, of trail building, of immersing in nature. We encourage people to allow themselves to surrender to the flow of the vast beauty of these mountains and the Prince William Sound. Our objective is to be a resource for people to find deep happiness and healthy outlets for themselves in ever trying times. Specifically what we are seeking right now are :
1. Corporate partners who share our beliefs and can participate in our activities
2. To build a scholarship fund which will provide travel, gear, and accommodations for climbers, campers, and fat bikers who identify as women, LGBTQ+ and BIPOC
3. And to grow our Membership Program, ambassadors of wilderness here in Valdez and in cites around the country!
Please Visit Our GoFundMe Page, or Learn more about getting involved.
#bgc #indigenouswomxnclimb #naturelover #iceclimbers #smallbusiness #nonprofit #valdez #valdezalaska #valdeziceclimbingfestival #fatbike #colorthecrag #colortheice #osprey #blackdiamond #patagonia #thenorthface #lowaboots #accessfund #aac #imba #morebuttsonbikes #leagueofamericancyists #peopleforbikes #sterlingrope #hyperlitemountaingear #thefatmermaid #RAVNalaska #tigertail #amazonsmile #mountainequipment #nikwax #rab #theprospector
Carabiner Basics
Some helpful carabiner facts for anybody interested in climbing, with some tidbits for experienced climbers, too!
August 2021 Newsletter
"John Muir, the famous naturalist, wrote in his journal that you should never go to Alaska as a young man because you'll never be satisfied with any other place as long as you live. And there's a lot of truth to that." -Tom Bodett
Outdoor Retailer Expo
Definitely one of our favorite products and reps we met at the #outdoorretailer convention last week was the #silipint ! This pink one matches our CFOs hair! 💕 other great products and people that really stood out and we were lucky enough to meet: #mayaflya #infuzeyourlife #spyderco #tentstars #glyder #geckobrands #coalatree #harvestright #corehome #4ocean #fluffhardware #poler #gotbag and so many more! Super impressed with how many earth friendly and earth forward innovative products were on display as well as musical guest at the #InspirationAwards , @altbloom … and how fun to see @timmyoneill present the awards! So grateful to be a part of this fantastic community!
After the expo, we journeyed over to the American Alpine Club to talk about Valdez Adventure Alliance, climbing goals and ice stewardship. If you can’t read the little display tag there, it’s honoring an all female expedition in the 1970’s! And yet women and POC are still fighting for equal rights and access.
#NeverGiveUp ! ✌🏽🤘🏽🙌🏾👊🏽
@outdoorretailer #brewwithoutcompromise #adventureawaits #valdezalaska #valdeziceclimbingfestival #valdezfatbikebash #humanpoweredadventures #lovinglife