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LoTech Tuesdays
The podcast that is about those who spend most of their time unplugged, and those who want to - for your listening pleasure.
Episode 20: Meet Katie McKinstry! Katie McKinstry is a a climber, instructor, artists living the dream in Bozeman, Montana! She will be joining us for the Valdez Ice Climbing Festival this coming weekend February 18th through the 20th here in Valdez Alaska! You can follow her art by visiting hyalitedesigns.com where you can see her many retired rope pieces, drawings and photos!
Episode 19: Ryan Vachon. Michelle speaks with CAMP USA athlete, Ryan Vachon, about behavior change, filmography and climate change. Watch Michelle forget the word “busking” while Ryan tells bad science jokes and wonders if Michelle will ever really say good bye!
Camp USA supports athletes and their work by supporting who they are as people and encouraging the good work they are doing for the sport of climbing as well as the planet!
Episode 18: Julie Engler, Athletic Brewing. Julie and Michelle discuss cycling, fat biking, dry January, and phenomenon of quitting drinking alcohol altogether.
Episode 17: Carlos Buhler is one of America's most accomplished high altitude mountaineers, including a background of 46 international climbing expeditions. His stories weave a fabric of success and failure on some of the most interesting and challenging routes up the remarkable mountains of the world. Read More>>>
Episode 16: Cortney Sanders. Cortney is Senior Manager of State and Policy Analysis on the State Fiscal Policy team at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, where she focuses on state fiscal policy through a racial equity lens. Cortney holds a Bachelor’s degree in Government from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Public Policy from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. We are honored to have Cortney as our guest this week on LoTech & Wild. VAA's very own Michelle LeBlanc is not only a CFO but a League Cycling Instructor and happens to be Cortney's cycling instructor! Cortney loves Alaska and hopes to be able to join the #ValdezFatBikeBash one of these days! Michelle and Cortney discuss the tough topics involving discussing race, humanity, and kindness in contemporary times.
Episode 15: Kelsey Gray, photographer, writer, adventurer, international traveler, poet, jewelry maker, artist and alaskan! For more on his work, visit climbak.com and kelseygrayphotography.com
Episode 14: Amalia Elenie Litsa, owner of Dear Diary Coffee shop and Bricco blends, cyclist, artist, and musician
Episode 13: Rich Loftin, born and raised in Valdez, I-rocker /Blackfin/Nautical Sup Ambassador, and general adventurer
Episode 12: Nathan Norby: Adventure documentary filmmaker, director and cinematographer of The Nutcracker, and Kevin and the Cave
Episode 11: Dan Koepke, Competitive climber, selected for UIAA World Cups representing the USA Ice Climbing Team 2020-2022
Episode 10: Eva Capozzola, international photographer, human rights activist, and climber
Episode 9: David Egan, an independent sales rep in the outdoor industry, and backcountry explorer
Episode 8: Carrie Hoffman, who has been practicing yoga for nine years and co-founded Bigger Life Adventures
Episode 7: Sarah Histand, mental health-informed adventure fitness trainer
Episode 6: Liz Gill, founder of Runcation Travel, Kinesiology instructor, & freelance journalist
Episode 5: Devin Wilson, VICF ‘22 safety team lead, and a part of the Alaska Mountain Rescue team, previously worked with the American Alpine Club and Black Diamond
Episode 4: Christian McConnell, Lowa Boots customer/dealer services, trad. climber and mountaineer
Episode 3: Dawn Glanc, pro-climber, producer of the independent film “Mixtress”
Episode 2: Kendra Stritch, winner of UIAA Ice Climbing World Cup gold medal in speed climbing, and climbing teacher
Episode 1: Marcus Garcia, pro-climber, peak runner, and photographer