What is SCORP?! The PWSEDD tells us:
Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
An analysis that surveys outdoor recreation resources and opportunities for all regions of Alaska.A plan that identifies capital investment priorities for acquiring, developing, and protecting all types of outdoor recreation resources for the state of Alaska.On a five year cycle, states are able to write outdoor recreation plans that make their priorities eligible for national Land & Water Conservation Fund funding. Alaska's plan will be used to set practical, actionable priorities that will guide investment in state and local recreation infrastructure for the next five years (Alaska Outdoor Alliance). If you are an excursion or charter operator, PWS enthusiast, community official or business owner, we want to hear from you!
Outdoor recreation is more than good, clean fun: it creates jobs and economic benefits for our coastal communities. The University of Alaska's Center for Economic Development calculated that in-state consumer spending related to outdoor recreation trips amounts to nearly $3.2 billion annually. The PWSEDD is facilitating a regional planning group for our area, we'll be having a stakeholder meeting later this summer to review the draft PWS section of the plan. With outdoor recreation activities growing so fast in popularity, we want to be part of it to capture benefits for PWS businesses and to maintain the quality resources we have for providing quality experiences for visitors. Learn more about the SCORP here.Read about regional SCORP working groups.