Shoup Bay Trail

New trailhead completed with support from AARP, the Rasmuson Foundation, Valdez Senior Center, & the PWSC Outdoor Leadership Program.

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Volunteers Sam Carver and Lian Rush work to install a retaining wall and rebuild the trench at the trailhead

A new bridge on Shoup Bay Trail was constructed with support from Pete Carter, Jim Pomplun, and Clayton Harris.

Funding was provided by the Rasmuson Foundation, Alaska State Parks’ Recreational Trails Program grant, the Federal Highway Administration, and a grant from the City of Valdez.

Alyeska Pipeline Services and the Fat Mermaid also sponsored the project.

Shoup Bay is a special place. A trail from town to stay in rustic cabins near a glacier and kittiwake rookery? Yes please! Unfortunately the State of Alaska no longer allows us to maintain this trail past Gold Creek. The cabins are accessible by water only now but we hope to continue this work in the future.

Thanks to our past Sponsors!

New bridge on Shoup Bay Trail, thanks to work from Pete Carter, Jim Pomplun, and Clayton Harris; grants from the Rasmuson Foundation, a Recreational Trails Program grant sponsored by Alaska State Parks and Federal Highway Administration, and a Community Service Organization grant from the City of Valdez; and sponsorships from Alyeska Pipeline Services, and the Fat Mermaid.